Criminal Law in Wyoming
The bottom line of this article is that it's imperative that you consult with a Wyoming criminal defense attorney if you have been arrested in a Wyoming crime.
We'll go ahead and provide you with helpful general educational information about Wyoming criminal law; however each criminal case is unique. Your individual situation must be fully analyzed by a criminal defense lawyer to determine the best strategy for an effective defense.
In this Wyoming specific article, we'll discuss:
- Wyoming criminal laws;
- What you need to know about criminal defense in Wyoming; and
- How to work with your Wyoming criminal defense attorney.
Wyoming Criminal Laws
Wyoming criminal laws are found in the WyomingCriminal Code (Title 7, Wyoming Statutes).
There are hundreds of crimes listed. Examples are disorderly conduct, cruelty to animals, drug possession, elder abuse, child neglect and abuse, credit card crimes, incest, bigamy, criminal trespass, arson, lewdness, indecent exposure, DUI, computer stalking, domestic abuse, perjury, kidnapping, defamation, theft, shoplifting, criminal mischief, and indecent exposure.
Statute of Limitations
Most states have a time limit on when criminal charges can be brought. Wyoming does not. While Wyoming has statute of limitations for civil cases, there are no statutes of limitation (i.e. time limits) for criminal charges.
Punishment such as community service, fines, restitution, jail, and capital punishment are used to deter future criminal behavior, provide restitution, protect society, and encourage rehabilitation. Wyoming does have capital punishment (i.e. the death penalty).
Wyoming does not have sentencing guidelines that are used by some states to provide uniformity in sentences. However, there are minimum sentences. This means that judges have full discretion in determining what sentence to hand down so long as the punishment is more than the minimum required by law.
In determining the sentence, a judge will consider:
- What is the previous criminal history of the individual convicted?
- What are the circumstances surrounding the crime?
- Was violence part of the crime?
- How serious is the victim's injury?
- Where any other additional criminal offenses were committed?
What You Need to Know About Criminal Defense
Your life, liberty, and money - your entire future - may be at risk. If you have been arrested for a crime in Wyoming, seek legal counsel.
- Attorneys are not all the same. You need a qualified Wyoming criminal defense lawyer and you need one immediately.
- What you say to your attorney is confidential. You need to be completely honest and open with your attorney. Lying or leaving facts out may land you in jail.
- What you say can and will be used against you. Do not make a statement to police, other than to ask for an attorney.
How to Work with a Wyoming Criminal Defense Lawyer
Your defense depends upon your cooperation, good sense, and patience. You are an important part of your own defense team. This is what you need to consider and do to fulfill your obligation to your team.
- You're paying for legal advice. Take all advice proffered by your attorney.
- Even if you think something will make you look bad, disclose it. Tell your defense attorney exactly what happened.
- Return law firm phone calls promptly.
- Provide all requested information in a timely manner.
- Make sure the criminal defense law office has your current address and phone number.
- Your attorney may ask you hard questions or make you angry. This is normal and an important part of the development of your defense. If your defense attorney says something or asks something, it's important.
- Your attorney will likely be polite and cooperative with police officers, witnesses, the alleged victims, investigators, and the prosecutor. This is normal, professional, and an important part of the development of your defense
Bottom Line: Qualified criminal defense attorneys know criminal law, understand the criminal charges against you, and know how to best put forward a strong and strategic defense.
To find a Wyoming criminal defense attorney, search our site,, or ask the bar association or a friend for a referral.