Divorce Law in Vermont

How to Find a Vermont Divorce Attorney

Have you ever wished that you could crawl inside a Norman Rockwell painting and live there? You may especially feel this way when life feels difficult such as when you are contemplating divorce.

If you are observant, you may notice that Rockwell does indeed catch fleeting moments in your life. The trick is to actually notice those moments with a sense of human unity and humor - and appreciation.

  • Rockwell admitted that he didn't paint the pain of life; instead, he painted life as he wanted it to be - not as it was.
  • Rockwell didn't directly depict the pain of divorce in his work, but he does catch the joyful and universal chaos of the every day (i.e. the boy in the barbershop or the mom giving a young boy cough syrup).

We encourage you to look at your own life, maybe you too can appreciate the Rockwell moments in your own life, regardless of the existence of pain. If you are contemplating divorce or would like to ask a Vermont divorce attorney questions, this article is for you.

We'll review:

  • Vermont specific divorce law requirements;
  • What you need to know about divorce; and
  • Whether it's in your best interest to hire a Vermont divorce lawyer and, if so, how to find one and how to prepare to work with him or her.

Vermont Divorce Law Specifics

This section highlights Vermont divorce law basics.

  • There are residency requirements for filing for divorce in Vermont.
  • Divorce may be filed based upon either "no-fault" or "fault" grounds.
  • Vermont uses the terms, "plaintiff" to refer to the spouse who initially filed the divorce papers and "defendant" for the other spouse.
  • In Vermont, divorce papers are filed in the county Family Court.
  • In some cases, alimony is available.
  • In Vermont property distribution will be based upon what's "equitable" (i.e. fair) and child support will be based upon the Income Shares Model.

What You Need to Know About Divorce in Vermont

It's natural to fear being alone. Many people enter divorce with the desire to keep legal fees to a minimum, reduce stress, and protect their future as well as their children's future.

Here's a guide to accomplish all those things.

  • Observe the Norman Rockwell moments of your life. It may help you to journal them and re-read them during a difficult day.
  • Know that you're not alone and take advantage of the support of friends, family, a trained therapist, and a qualified divorce attorney.
  • Hire a divorce lawyer who will cooperate and collaborate with your spouse's lawyer.
  • Cooperate and collaborate. Let these two words be the foundation for all divorce-related decision-making.
  • In divorce, no spouse gets all of what he or she wants. Know that you will absolutely have to compromise.

Is it in Your Best Interests to Work with a Vermont Divorce Lawyer?

Yes. Divorce is not a legal path to walk alone. If you waive any marital rights, they are waived forever.

Even Vermont attorneys, who go through divorce, hire their own divorce lawyers. They realize that they don't know everything about divorce law and that they are not objective about their family situation.

How to Find and Select a Vermont Divorce Attorney

Google makes it easy to find a list of lawyers. Just enter "How to Find a Vermont Divorce Attorney" into your search engine.

Once you've found several Vermont attorneys, who focus their practice on family law and divorce law, then narrow down your list.

  • Always ask whatever questions you have about legal fees and court costs, the process, what to expect, communications, and timing.
  • Ask how the attorneys approach the process. Are they willing to work cooperatively? Or will they instigate fighting and push you into court?
  • Select the attorney with whom you are most comfortable.

How to Prepare to Work with Your Divorce Attorney

When you're getting ready to work with your divorce lawyer, following these tips will help you to move forward.

  • Determine whether reconciliation efforts have been exhausted.
  • Consult with a therapist or psychologist, who specializes in helping people going through divorce.
  • Make a list of questions and concerns to address with your divorce attorney.
  • Collect information that your attorney has requested or suggested may be helpful.
  • Draft a list of current and expected future expenses, income, liabilities, and assets.
  • Make a "wish list" (e.g. finances, living arrangements, and child related matters) of what you want to happen in the divorce. Prioritize the list.

Here in New England, the character is strong and unshakable.

-Norman Rockwell

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