DUI & DWI in Oregon

Drivers are tested for drunk driving at a roadblock, if a police officer sees unsafe driving, or after an accident. If you've been arrested for DUI, don't assume you're guilty or that there's no sense in putting on a defense.

Any time you deal with the criminal justice system, it's in your best interests to consult with a criminal defense attorney. If you've been arrested for drunk driving, you need an Oregon DUI attorney.

To provide background, here's what we'll cover in this article:

  • Oregon DUI Laws
  • Oregon DUI Punishments
  • Potential DUI Defenses
  • Oregon's Other Drunk Driving and Alcohol Laws
  • How to Find an Oregon DUI Attorney

When is a Driver Considered to be Legally Drunk in Oregon?

Oregon DUI Laws are found in The Oregon Revised Statutes.

Here's the statute's blood alcohol content (BAC) summary:

  • Non-commercial - over 21 - drivers are driving drunk if their BAC is .08 or higher.
  • Commercial drivers and school bus drivers sare driving drunk if their BAC is .04 or higher.
  • Under age 21drivers are legally drunk drivingwith any alcohol in their systems - even trace amounts.

What is Oregon's Punishment for DUI Convictions?

  • 1st Conviction: Jail up to 1 year - fine of $1,000 to $6,250- driver's license suspension for 90 days - ignition interlock.
  • 2nd Conviction: Jail up to 1 year - pay fines of $1,500 to $6,250 - driver's license suspension for 1 year - ignition interlock.
  • 3rd Conviction within 5 years: Jailup to 1 year- pay fines of $2,000 to $6,250 - driver's license suspension for 3 years - ignition interlock.

Oregon Drunk Driving Defenses

These are the kind of defenses your own DUI attorney will explore and put forth if the facts support them.

  • No probable cause.
  • Improper roadblock.
  • Improper arrest.
  • Mistake.
  • Faulty blood alcohol content testing.
  • Judicial error.

Oregon's Other Drunk Driving and Alcohol Laws

Oregon's Dram Shop Act
Civil liability attaches if a licensed drinking establishments serves a visibly drunk or underage person and injuries result.

Oregon's Providing Alcohol to Underage Persons Law or Intoxicated Law
In Oregon, it's illegal to allow underage persons to drink on your property or to serve an underage or visibly intoxicated person. You can go to jail for up to a year and pay a fine up to $6,250.

How to Find an Oregon DUI Attorney

If you've been arrested, never go it alone. To find an Oregon DUI lawyer to help you, you can search our website, www.attorneys.org, or ask friends or the bar association for a referral.

Local DUI Attorneys