Tax Law in Indiana
If you're confused by the tax laws, have received a letter from a taxing authority, want to negotiate a settlement with the IRS, need to file back taxes, have a complex estate plan, or just need quality tax advice, protect yourself and choose an Indiana tax attorney.
This article will get you started in the right direction by explaining:
- When a IN tax lawyer can help you
- The types of taxes a IN tax attorney deals with
- How to find free non-legal tax help
- How to find legal tax help
An Indiana Tax Lawyer Can Help with these Tax Problems
Wondering if a tax attorney would handle your type of case? Check with the tax lawyer of your choice and ask. (
These are example tax cases:
- Paul is being audited. He's not sure he reported all of his income from EBay sales.
- The Indiana Department of Revenue has audited Ellis's payroll withholding tax filings and found a default of $27,000.
- Christian is thinking of expatriating to avoid U.S. income taxes.
- Ab runs his own business and has never filed taxes. His fiancée won't marry him unless he does.
- Mitchel is running for public office and wants to make sure his tax records are clean.
- Aaron's accountant took his tax money and left the country.
- The IRS says that Karen and Greg owe $45,000 in back taxes, interest, and penalties. They can't pay it.
A Indiana Tax Attorney Handles These Kind of Taxes
- Taxes on earned income(income taxes and payroll taxes).
- Taxes on gifts (gift taxes).
- Taxes on purchase and the use of products(sales and use taxes).
- Taxes on assets you own (real estate taxes).
- Taxes on selling assets (realty transfer taxes, capital gains taxes, and income taxes).
- Taxes on assets you own at death (federal estate taxes and generation-skipping taxes as well as state inheritance taxes).
Where do I Find Indiana and Federal Tax Laws?
- Federal Tax Code, Regulations, and Guidance
- Indiana Code
Indiana specific taxes:
- Indiana income tax rates is 3.4%
- IN general sales tax starts at 7% but can be increased by locales up to 9%.
- IN has phased out its estate tax but does have an inheritance tax (but under current law will phase the inheritance tax out in 2022).
- Local Municipal Laws and Regulations
How Do I Find Non-Legal Tax Help?
Check out the IRS and the Indiana Department of Revenue websites. They both have helpful non-legal information and have phone numbers to talk to a representative.
How Do I Find Legal Tax Help?
Facing a serious tax issue alone is impossible. Everyone facing the IRS or the Indiana Department of Revenue needs strong legal counsel. To find an Indianatax attorney, search our site,, or ask the bar association or a friend for a referral.