Tax Law in Georgia

No one loves calling a lawyer. Dealing with the legal system, taxes, the IRS, the Georgia Department of Revenue is not fun - but it is a necessary "evil". It's actually easy and fast to find a Georgia tax attorney and to get a strong legal advocate on your side.

Here's some background about taxes and tax attorneys that may be of help to you. In this article, we show you:

  • When a GA tax lawyer can help you
  • The types of taxes a GA tax attorney deals with
  • How to find free non-legal tax help
  • How to find legal tax help

A Georgia Tax Lawyer Can Help with these Tax Problems

Here are sample cases that a tax attorney would handle. If you don't see your individual situation, don't worry. Just call a tax attorney and ask if he or she handles your kind of tax situation.

  • Stephen's wife left him and because of a divorce investigation, he now realizes she's been hiding income from both him and the IRS. They filed joint tax returns and Stephen is concerned about his liability for unpaid taxes - and potential criminal charges.
  • Gracie's online business boomed and she's suddenly a multi-millionaire. She wonders how she should organize her business to pay the least amount of taxes possible.
  • Sami received an IRS audit letter and she doesn't want to face the IRS alone.
  • Patrick has been arrested for tax evasion and is facing a lengthy prison sentence.
  • Janice has a significant estate and is thinking of making gifts to children, grandchildren, and charities. She wants to know the most tax efficient way to set up a gifting program.
  • The Georgia Department of Taxation has notified Drew that he should have been claiming income he thought was exempt.

A Georgia Tax Attorney Handles These Kind of Taxes

  • Income Taxes (Federal, State, and Local)
    • Personal Income Taxes
    • Business Income Taxes
    • Capital Gains Taxes
    • Investment Taxes
  • Estate Taxes (Federal and State)
  • Gift Taxes
  • Mergers and Acquisitions Tax
  • Payroll (aka Withholding) Taxes
  • Social Security and Medicare Taxes (aka Self Employment Taxes)
  • Sales and Use Taxes (for instate and out-of-state (i.e. online) purchases
  • Real Estate Taxes and Real Estate Transfer Taxes

Where do I Find Georgia and Federal Tax Laws?

  • Federal Tax Code, Regulations, and Guidance
  • Official Code of Georgia
  • Georgia specific taxes:
    • Georgia income taxis graduating, starting at 1% and topping out at 6%.
    • Georgia sales tax is 4% at a state level and most counties add an additional 3% for a total of 7%; however, a few counties add only 2% for a total sales tax of 6%. In addition, the city of Atlanta adds an additional 1% for a total of 8%.
    • Georgia does not have an inheritance tax or an estate tax.
  • Local Municipal Laws and Regulations

How Do I Find Non-Legal Tax Help?

Check out the IRS and the Georgia Department of Revenue for non-legal tax help. The information is free and you can call for guidance if you need it.

How Do I Find Legal Tax Help?

It can be intimidating to deal with a lawyer, but once you make the call and start a relationship, you'll feel more comfortable. To find a Georgia tax attorney, search our site,, or ask the bar association or a friend for a referral.

Local Tax Attorneys