Garden City, New York DUI Attorneys

Compare 22 attorneys and 16 law firms in Garden City , NY. Sort by highest rating and years of dui experience.

Ronald Bekoff
Garden City dui attorney at Hession Bekoff Cooper Lo Piccolo with 56 years experience

1103 Stewart Avenue, Suite 200, Garden City, NY 11530

Alan Kraut
Garden City dui attorney at Kase and Druker with 53 years experience

1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 225, Garden City, NY 11530

Amy Haber
Garden City dui attorney at Cobert Haber and Haber with 50 years experience

1050 Franklin Avenue, Suite 300, Garden City, NY 11530

Richard Librett
Garden City dui attorney at Librett Friedland and Lieberman with 50 years experience

1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 545, Garden City, NY 11530

Robert Zausmer
Garden City dui attorney at Meyer Suozzi English and Klein with 50 years experience

990 Stewart Avenue, Suite 300, Garden City, NY 11530

Peter Tomao
Garden City dui attorney at Peter J Tomao with 47 years experience

226 7th Street, Suite 302, Garden City, NY 11530

Edward Lieberman
Garden City dui attorney at Librett Friedland and Lieberman with 46 years experience

1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 545, Garden City, NY 11530

David Chefec
Garden City dui attorney at David W Chefec with 43 years experience

401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 107, Garden City, NY 11530

Andrew Turro
Garden City dui attorney at Meyer Suozzi English and Klein with 42 years experience

990 Stewart Avenue, Suite 300, Garden City, NY 11530

Leonard Chipkin
Garden City dui attorney at Sackstein Sackstein and Lee with 37 years experience

1140 Franklin Avenue, Suite 210, Garden City, NY 11530

Fred Abrams
Garden City dui attorney at Fred L Abrams with 34 years experience

1140 Franklin Avenue, Suite 214, Garden City, NY 11530

Steven Kommor
Garden City dui attorney at Gassman Baiamonte Betts with 32 years experience

666 Old Country Road, Suite 801, Garden City, NY 11530

Kieran Bastible
Garden City dui attorney at Meyer Suozzi English and Klein with 32 years experience

990 Stewart Avenue, Suite 300, Garden City, NY 11530

Joseph Lilly
Garden City dui attorney at Frazer and Feldman with 31 years experience

1415 Kellum Place, Suite 201, Garden City, NY 11530

Frank Perrone Jr.
Garden City dui attorney at Davidoff Hutcher and Citron with 27 years experience

200 Garden City Plaza, Suite 315, Garden City, NY 11530

Joseph Piccolo
Garden City dui attorney at Hession Bekoff Cooper Lo Piccolo with 26 years experience

1103 Stewart Avenue, Suite 200, Garden City, NY 11530

Michelle Tarson
Garden City dui attorney at Stagg Terenzi Confusione and Wabnik with 26 years experience

401 Franklin Avenue, Suite 300, Garden City, NY 11530

Elizabeth Kase
Garden City dui attorney at Kase and Druker with 24 years experience

1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 225, Garden City, NY 11530

Michelle Stein
Garden City dui attorney at Leonard R Sperber with 18 years experience

100 Garden City Plaza, Suite 205, Garden City, NY 11530

Scott Druker
Garden City dui attorney at Kase and Druker with 17 years experience

1325 Franklin Avenue, Suite 225, Garden City, NY 11530

Are you facing a DUI arrest or conviction?

If you’ve been charged with a DUI or DWI and decide the potential consequence are too great to go it alone, select an attorney who is licensed in your state and focuses their practice primarily on DUI and DWI defense. A DUI conviction has serious consequences and you need to feel comfortable and respect your lawyer, so it's okay to consult with a few DUI attorneys and select the one who is the best fit.

Need an attorney in Garden City, NY?

Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their colleague’s practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure. Carefully consider client reviews and recommendations from people just like you. If you have complex legal needs, a larger firm with multiple attorneys who can advise you in different areas may be the best fit. If your needs are more limited and very specific, consider a smaller firm. Speak with several Garden City dui attorneys to find the one that is best for you.

Ask yourself the 3 C’s:

  • Credentials ‐ How many cases has this attorney worked on similar to yours?
  • Comfort ‐ Who are you most comfortable working with? Is the lawyer’s office nearby? How and how often will they get in touch with you?
  • Cost ‐ Have expected costs and fees been clearly explained to you? It’s OK to ask for an estimate.