Indianapolis, Indiana Tax Attorneys

Compare 107 attorneys and 21 law firms in Indianapolis , IN. Sort by highest rating and years of tax experience.

William Wick
Indianapolis tax attorney at White and Raub with 76 years experience

36 South Pennsylvania Street, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

George Adinamis
Indianapolis tax attorney at Adinamis Michael and Saunders with 61 years experience

500 East 96th Street, Suite 360, Indianapolis, IN 46240

Francis Connelly
Indianapolis tax attorney at Krieg DeVault with 61 years experience

One Indiana Square, Suite 2800, Indianapolis, IN 46204

G Smith Jr
Indianapolis tax attorney at Bose McKinney and Evans with 60 years experience

111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Marvin Frank
Indianapolis tax attorney at Frank and Kraft with 58 years experience

135 North Pennsylvania Street, Suite 1100, Indianapolis, IN 46204

James McGrath
Indianapolis tax attorney at Harrison and Moberly with 57 years experience

10 West Market Street, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Thomas Jenkins
Indianapolis tax attorney at Hall Render Killian Heath and Lyman with 56 years experience

One American Square, Suite 2000, Indianapolis, IN 46282

Paul Corsaro
Indianapolis tax attorney at Bingham Greenebaum Doll with 55 years experience

10 West Market Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Gordon Wishard
Indianapolis tax attorney at Ice Miller with 55 years experience

One American Square, Indianapolis, IN 46282

Thomas Ewbank
Indianapolis tax attorney at Krieg DeVault with 55 years experience

One Indiana Square, Suite 2800, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Fred Scott Jr.
Indianapolis tax attorney at Harrison and Moberly with 52 years experience

10 West Market Street, Suite 700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Stephen Paul
Indianapolis tax attorney at Faegre Baker Daniels with 52 years experience

300 North Meridian Street, Suite 2700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Donald Bennett
Indianapolis tax attorney at Faegre Baker Daniels with 51 years experience

300 North Meridian Street, Suite 2700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

C Yates
Indianapolis tax attorney at Hassing and DeFilippis with 51 years experience

One Indiana Square, Suite 2600, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Ronald Soskin
Indianapolis tax attorney at Bose McKinney and Evans with 50 years experience

111 Monument Circle, Suite 2700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Richard Bell
Indianapolis tax attorney at Cohen and Malad with 49 years experience

1 Indiana Square, Suite 1400, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Theodore Esping
Indianapolis tax attorney at Faegre Baker Daniels with 49 years experience

300 North Meridian Street, Suite 2700, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Jon Spadorcia
Indianapolis tax attorney at Hall Render Killian Heath and Lyman with 49 years experience

One American Square, Suite 2000, Indianapolis, IN 46282

Barton Sprunger
Indianapolis tax attorney at Ice Miller with 49 years experience

One American Square, Indianapolis, IN 46282

Stephen Smith
Indianapolis tax attorney at Krieg DeVault with 49 years experience

One Indiana Square, Suite 2800, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Need help with a tax issue?

Tax issues - we know that pit in your stomach. The one you feel when you get the mail and spot an envelope from the IRS or any taxing authority. You sit down, rip it open, and feel the adrenalin in your blood continue to rise. None of us here at would want to face the IRS alone - but whether you hire an attorney or not is totally up to you. We do think it's in your best interests to at least consult with a tax attorney and learn your options.

Need an attorney in Indianapolis, IN?

Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their colleague’s practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure. Carefully consider client reviews and recommendations from people just like you. If you have complex legal needs, a larger firm with multiple attorneys who can advise you in different areas may be the best fit. If your needs are more limited and very specific, consider a smaller firm. Speak with several Indianapolis tax attorneys to find the one that is best for you.

Ask yourself the 3 C’s:

  • Credentials ‐ How many cases has this attorney worked on similar to yours?
  • Comfort ‐ Who are you most comfortable working with? Is the lawyer’s office nearby? How and how often will they get in touch with you?
  • Cost ‐ Have expected costs and fees been clearly explained to you? It’s OK to ask for an estimate.