Beverly Hills, California Entertainment Attorneys

Compare 57 attorneys and 18 law firms in Beverly Hills , CA. Sort by highest rating and years of entertainment experience.

Allen Susman
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Rosenfeld Meyer and Susman with 77 years experience

9601 Wilshire Boulevard, Fourth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Marvin Meyer
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Rosenfeld Meyer and Susman with 75 years experience

9601 Wilshire Boulevard, Fourth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Gunther Schiff
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Leonard Dicker and Schreiber with 71 years experience

9430 Olympic Boulevard, Suite 400, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Charles Scott
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Gang Tyre Ramer and Brown with 67 years experience

132 South Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Bruce Ramer
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Gang Tyre Ramer and Brown with 65 years experience

132 South Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Lawrence Kartiganer
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Rosenfeld Meyer and Susman with 65 years experience

9601 Wilshire Boulevard, Fourth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Robert Thau
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Rosenfeld Meyer and Susman with 59 years experience

9601 Wilshire Boulevard, Fourth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Anthony Glassman
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Glassman Browning Saltsman and Jacobs with 58 years experience

360 North Bedford Drive, Suite 204, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

James Schreiber
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Leonard Dicker and Schreiber with 58 years experience

9430 Olympic Boulevard, Suite 400, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Anthony Glassman
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Garvey Schubert Barer with 58 years experience

360 North Bedford Drive, Suite 204, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

Donald Passman
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Gang Tyre Ramer and Brown with 53 years experience

132 South Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Gregg Harrison
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Gang Tyre Ramer and Brown with 53 years experience

132 South Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Richard Leonard
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Leonard Dicker and Schreiber with 53 years experience

9430 Olympic Boulevard, Suite 400, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Joseph Mannis
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Hersh Mannis and Bogen with 52 years experience

9150 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 209, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Paul Supnik
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Paul D Supnik with 52 years experience

9401 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1250, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Burton Senkfor
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Law Office of Burton Mark Senkfor with 50 years experience

8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 660, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

Harold Brown
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Gang Tyre Ramer and Brown with 48 years experience

132 South Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Candice Hanson
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Bloom Hergott Diemer Rosenthal with 46 years experience

150 South Rodeo Drive, 3rd Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Tom Camp
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Gang Tyre Ramer and Brown with 45 years experience

132 South Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Mark Stankevich
Beverly Hills entertainment attorney at Stankevich Gochman with 44 years experience

9777 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 550, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Need help with entertainment law?

An entertainment attorney works with people and companies in the entertainment industry. They work with musicians, artists, authors and the many companies that work with them including publishers, film studios or music venues. Entertainment lawyers will negotiate all aspects of an entertainer's work including compensation, contracts, and publication, distribution and performance rights. An entertainment lawyer is a key resource for any entertainer or any company that employs entertainers.

Need an attorney in Beverly Hills, CA?

Find the right attorney by reviewing and comparing our profiles of lawyers and their law firms, with details on each attorney and their colleague’s practice, experience, education, training, honors and fee structure. Carefully consider client reviews and recommendations from people just like you. If you have complex legal needs, a larger firm with multiple attorneys who can advise you in different areas may be the best fit. If your needs are more limited and very specific, consider a smaller firm. Speak with several Beverly Hills entertainment attorneys to find the one that is best for you.

Ask yourself the 3 C’s:

  • Credentials ‐ How many cases has this attorney worked on similar to yours?
  • Comfort ‐ Who are you most comfortable working with? Is the lawyer’s office nearby? How and how often will they get in touch with you?
  • Cost ‐ Have expected costs and fees been clearly explained to you? It’s OK to ask for an estimate.